NVIDIA GameWorks Program Announced

At the GeForce event in Montreal NVIDIA unveiled GameWorks which will open up newer opportunities for the game developers and will provide them a new platform to experiment with different gaming tools and put them to use. This GameWorks introduction by NVIDIA is likely to provide empowerment to the game developers with its 300 engineers who are an expert at the visual effects. These engineers will spread around the globe and help developers with the aid of SDKs, technological advancements and algorithms. This strategy of NVIDIA is going to the surface three new SDKs with the name of Flex, GI Works and Flame Works.


Moving on with these three new SDKs, Flex is the latest unified GPU PhysX system. Rigid body and fluid simulations will be provided at dispense of the game developers who will then be able to use these as a combination. The complex nature of these simulations had made been an impossibility in the past game development processes but Flex is making it possible as it comes along with the right tools which will be perfect to make these two simulations work side by side at the same time.

The other SDK is the GI Works (Global Illumination Works) and as the name suggests, it provides global illumination wherever it is required. To use the pre backed global illumination effects on the game scenes by placing several light sources in one place was becoming a great ordeal for the developers and was quire complicated and time taking. This resulted in non dynamic representations and hence was becoming a constant headache for developers but this GI Works offers more realistic results.

The third SDK is the Flame Works which will be used to work up on the smoke and flames with its ability to deliver the film-quality volumetric effect. Plenty of interesting and new features will be spotted in Batman: Arkham Origins, Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt, Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag, Watch Dogs as NVIDIA gets down working on it.

Source: Hardware Zone | News Archive