New Forums Launched!

After we launched the new version of the website we closed down our forums. The main reason for this was spam and the fact that the forums were not very active. After running the site on WordPress for quite a while we noticed many people asking questions in the comments and we have received many e-mails asking us for help on certain things. For this reason we decided to open the forums back up! But we are starting completely new from scratch! So go ahead on over to the forums and register!


The forums are brand new so if you encounter any errors or problems please let us know! If you think we missed any categories or topics comment on this post and we will add them to the forums. We are also looking for some moderators so if you are interested in that please let us know.

We are going to be announcing a contest very soon with the forums so make sure you get in there and start posting because we are going to require a minimum number of posts to be eligible for the contest.

Click here to go to the forums!

Click here to register on the forums!

Enjoy the new forums everyone!

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