Microsoft Shows Interest In Cross-Platform Gaming For Xbox One

In the current generation, gamers only stay limited to what they own in the form of consoles and social interaction is impossible between two different consoles or a PC. Microsoft has been looking to change this concept for quite some time now and they seem genuinely interested in working on providing a cross platform which will run between PC and Xbox One. It seems that finally gaming and sharing on a single platform is becoming a reality.


Microsoft wants the Xbox One to leave all its competitors behind as it excels in sharing on content, achievements and events. They also want PC gamers to be able to play with Xbox One gamers. But with the current market situation and everything, Microsoft will have to focus exclusively on its marketing.

Phil Spencer of Microsoft Studios described Cloud as an essential feature that can be utilized in next-gen consoles. “Cloud is a really interesting place to invest and we’re investing a ton in the cloud,” said Spencer. “This connected ecosystem across all the different devices is definitely where I think the future of gaming is going,” he went on. “You don’t have to do it as a developer, but you have the capability and I think a system like Xbox Live across all those screens where you know who someone is and who their friends are, what their Achievements are and their progression is really critical to that.”

Take Shadow Run for instance, as it was designed to provide mutual gaming experiences between PC and Xbox 360 gamers but unfortunately it failed to reach the target market. This might be explained by the fact that the cloud computing phenomenon is not a widespread one at the moment and it is not fully understood in the current market. Many people view the PC and console gaming as being part of two opposite ends and they only see the imbalances of controls and techniques.

Only if cloud computing is made more user friendly, it would be the best feature and will provide what the players of today are looking for. The imbalances mentioned above can be taken care of by the manufacturers who can design cloud computing with ease of use as a prior feature. The reason why Microsoft seems to be doing it right is because they have plenty of connectivity plans and using them in the right way will definitely bring out some positive results.

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