BodyMedia Link Armband Review

BodyMedia Link Overview
The BodyMedia Link system is essentially made of two parts, the Link armband and the armband strap. The Link armband is what does all of the tracking and “work” and the strap is what holds it against your arm. BodyMedia offers different colored armbands in their online store if you do not like the one that comes with the unit.

BodyMedia Link Armband

Putting the two together into one functional unit is as simple as snapping it into place.

BodyMedia Link Armband

On the backside of the unit are two metallic sensors. They will track your Galvanic skin response, skin temperature, and heat flux. There is also an 3-axis accelerometer inside so you can track distance and steps taken throughout the day.

BodyMedia Link Armband

On the side of the armband is a microUSB connector. It is not a proprietary connector either, so if you happen to lose the included cable you can just buy an inexpensive one. The USB cable is used to charge the device as well as transfer data to be uploaded. The Link armband also has Bluetooth so you can view live stats on your smartphone (iOS & Android supported) and update your stats that way. We will get into the iPhone app a little later in the review.

BodyMedia Link Armband