A Story of the World’s Best Interior Design Website

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A world-class website is the best tool to lift your business or brand name to global level. Therefore, if your website has global recognition, so your talent will be perceived as well.


Sergey Makhno is a recognized interior designer and architect from Ukraine. Currently he is holding one of the top places in the national design industry. Mr. Makhno has an honorable reputation in Ukraine, which envisages no copies, but creation of original pieces of art, therefore a template website was not even considered.

The main objective of the new website of Mr. Makhno was to gain top ranks among the global studios of Interior Design & Architecture. This objective was split into smaller ones:

To get business of Mr. Makhno to the international level.

To show and promote unique design style of Mr. Makhno.

To show and promote nationally renowned blog of Mr. Makhno to the international level.

To personify the website, in order to reflect many-sided personality of Mr. Makhno.

To identify and excel the websites of top competitors in the market.

At first, a short list of the best Interior Design & Architecture websites was composed.

Then we had to balance local and global trends in web design.


Instead of a prototype, a multi-branched project mind map was used. All personal peculiarities and preferences, business objectives of Mr. Makhno, and our market analysis results were collected together.

Due to the mind map, we understood how to distinguish this website, and the following decisions were made:

–          Front page contains no portfolio.

–          Main page acts as a book cover.

–          Portfolio consists of 4 categories: interior design, object design, architecture, and completed projects.

–          Using of unique navigational patterns.

–          Integration of video clip.

After the website was done, we launched it to prove whether it can achieve the set objectives

The first month after the launch was marked with the victory of the prize “Site of the Day” at Awwwards. Mr. Makhno received the first order from a country, which he has not worked with before.

Within a year of website operation, the website of Mr. Makhno has won 12 awards in web design, his agency has gained customers in more than 20 countries and more than 100,000 award-driven visitors were attracted in 2015.

The further improvement of the website includes a strategy for updates and expansion, including blog rework and expansion, online store, virtual reality adaptation.

Among over 350 websites created by our company, this project has been the most captivating. All complexity and timeframe for this projects costed $45,000, and around 6 months of work.

This was a compelling task, which helped a web agency to upgrade its standards, and contributed to its professional and strategic growth. Therefore, the projects of such scale are always welcomed.

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